- Kivivillakuutio pistokkaille ja kloonauksiin
- Mitat: 75x75x65mm
- Reikä, jonka halkaisija on 44 mm
- Suuri kohdekuoria kasvaa
- Erityisesti suositellaan NFT-virtausjärjestelmille
- Hinta 1 kpl.
Kivivillakuutio pistokkaille ja kloonauksiin.
Täydellinen extrakuutioiksi missä voit idättää siemenesi tai istuttaa kasvisi uudelleen.
Laita siemenet ensiksi peruskuutioon ja sen jälkeen tähän.
Mitat: 7,5x7,5cm / 44mm
Cube in Rockwool for your cuttings / clones.
Perfect with extra cubes where you can root or grow your seeds.
First place them in a plug, to thereafter, transfer them to our cubes for replanting.
Dimensions: 7,5x7,5cm/44mm
Perfect for effortless propagation
GRODAN Delta forms the foundation for uniform and perfectly controllable propagation of plants – an absolute condition for vigorous and healthy plant growth. Each block has an identical density, flexibility and sturdiness, guaranteeing even distribution of the WC, EC and pH. The result is a uniform and high-quality plant.
GRODAN Delta is the best block for essential properties such as firmness and saturation. These qualities make GRODAN Delta ideally suited for propagators who want to secure the success of their processes.
Product Specifications
- Suitable for flower and vegetable propagation
- Control range 55 – 80%
GRODAN Delta application
GRODAN Delta is a widely used block for propagating tomatoes, sweet peppers and cucumbers worldwide. The easy water and EC distribution, handling and saturation offer propagators a reliable start to production.