Advanced Nutrients Revive 5L

  • Advanced Nutrients Revive 5L
601,00 SEK
/ szt.

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  • Fas: grow, blomning
  • För odling i: jord, kokos, hydroponics
  • Dosering: 2ml/L

Nutrients Revive the first aid for plants, recovering them from shock and stress. It provides the nutrients your plants crave for fast and easy uptake. Revive helps plants recover after being stalled and stressed due to wilting, overwatering, disease or infestation. 

Once the source of the stress has been corrected, Revive will provide a specially formulated mix of chelated nutrients which are accessible for the plants to absorb and use, aiding their recovery. Revive can significantly reduce the time it takes to get your plants growing vigorously again.

Advanced Nutrients provides users with products that work, cost less, and last longer, creating fantastic results.


  • Shake well before use.

  • You can use it on plants in any type of grow system and substrate.

  • For aiding the recovery of stressed plants, simply make up your feed/nutrient solution as usual to the required strength and add Revive at a rate of 5 ml/Liter and mix well. Repeat after one week if necessary.

  • To help guard against stress. You can use Revive from a rooted cutting to harvest at a rate of 1ml/Liter.

  • Revive can also be used as a fast-acting foliar spray: mix with water at a rate of 1 ml/Liter, mix well and thoroughly spray the tops and undersides of all leaves. 

  • Do not spray under intense light conditions.


  • Root feed dosage for stress-relief: 5ml/Liter water

  • Root feed dosage to help guard against stress: 1 ml/Liter of water

  • Foliar feed dosage: 3ml/Liter of water 


  • NPK – 1.5-0-0


  • (N): 1%

  • (Ca): 1%

  • (Mg): 0.5%

  • (Fe): 0.3%



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