PBS Neem Oil 30ml

  • PBS Neem Oil 30ml
64,00 SEK
32,00 SEK
/ szt.
Du sparar50% (32,00 SEK).

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  • Organic pest and mold control.

Panda Bio Solution believes everyone should try pure organic gardening products without dangerous pesticides. To use the Neem oil, carefully remove the lid and place the pipette inside the bottle. From beginners to seasoned gardeners, we’ll help make your space greener.

Neem Oil is known for its pesticide and insecticidal properties. It works on arthropod pests that often eat your vegetables, such as white flies and spider mites. In addition, Neem oil also controls common fungi that grow on vegetable plants such as Mildews. ​Insects do not become immune to Neem oil as they can to other types of pesticides, which means that it remains effective, even after repeated applications. Because Neem oil is biodegradable and non-toxic, it will not pollute groundwater or cause toxic runoff into streams and nearby bodies of water.

You can use it with total peace of mind. ​Many pesticides can’t be used during certain stages of plant growth; however, you can use neem oil throughout the planting season up until the day you harvest, so your plants are never without protection. Since Neem oil only targets bugs who chew on leaves, neem oil insecticides are safe to use around butterflies, ladybugs, and most other beneficial insects.

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